Everyday Active Schools
Creating a whole school approach to school improvement through physical activity.
Active Kent & Medway's Everyday Active Schools is designed to increase children's physical activity levels by supporting schools in taking a whole school approach to embedding physical activity across the school day. A whole school approach goes beyond the boundaries of PE and into the everyday routine of the school day, from promoting active travel, physically active lessons, all the way through to influencing parents to increase activity levels. By applying this approach, evidence shows that schools will benefit from an improvement in attendance, a reduction in cases of bullying and an increase in attainment levels.
To find out more about the Everyday Active Schools programme, and understand how your school can sign up, please visit Everyday Active Schools - ActiveKent
You can also contact Charlie Sharp from Active Kent & Medway (Charlie.Sharp@kent.gov.uk) to find out more.
Parking issues
Often, within a school travel plan or an annual review, schools are reporting that they have issues with dangerous and illegal parking outside and surrounding the school site.
The Transport Innovations team have worked hard to develop toolkits - appropriate for primary and secondary schools - which can be utilised in order to educate drivers on the importance of parking responsibly
To discover more about our Award Winning Responsible Parking initiatives, please visit
You can also contact me (Iona Rogulski, Transport Planner) directly, to find out more or to request FREE Responsible Parking resources that will help to promote your message to your drivers
Highway improvements
Follow the link below to request highway improvements such as:
- junction improvements
- traffic calming (for example 20mph zones and speed humps)
- speed limit changes
- new signs and lines (for example waiting restrictions)
- bus stop improvements
- new cycle paths
- new footpaths
- pedestrian and zebra crossings
- safety-related parking restrictions
Maintenance issues
Please use the online reporting tool at the link below to report road and pavement maintenance issues, for example:
- potholes
- worn lines
- faulty street lights
- faulty traffic signals
- overgrown trees and broken signs
Enforcement of road markings
To request enforcement of existing yellow lines and school zig zag markings, please contact your local Borough or District council as they hold the relevant powers to enable enforcement to take place.
For a list of web links to your local council and to find useful services that they each provide follow the link below:
Road safety
For further information on Road Safety (which includes information for Pedestrians and Cycle safety) please follow the link below:
Traffic speed issues
For issues regarding speed of traffic on the highway, please contact Kent Police who have the necessary powers to carry out enforcement.
They can be contacted on the non-emergency number: 101
School crossing patrols
For enquiries regarding school crossing patrols (existing or new) please visit the following website:
Walking initiatives
For general information about walking buses please visit:
Cycling for schools
For general information about cycling to school please visit:
We deliver the three levels of National Standard Cycle Training otherwise known as Bikeability. For further details about cycle training for schools please visit:
School Travel Plans
Kent County Council encourages schools, pupils and parents to think about how they travel to school and the impact of their journey choices on their health, well-being and the environment.
A range of travel options and ideas can be put into a travel plan, including:
- walking initiatives
- park & stride
- Bikeability - cycle training
- cycling/scooting facilities - shelters and lockers
- car sharing
- school buses
- parking initiatives
The following initiatives can help schools to promote walking, cycling and use of public transport:
We can provide you with further information on the above schemes if required as well as specialist advice and support to enable you to produce or update a travel plan
How do I get help to develop or update a school travel plan?
KCC have developed an online travel plan template for your use, where you will find guidance for developing and updating your travel plan.
Journey sharing for staff
Journey sharing is when two or more people share a journey and travel together to get to the same place.
kentjourneyshare, run by Kent County Council, is a FREE internet-based service available to everyone over eighteen in Kent. It links drivers, passengers, walkers, cyclists and taxi users who make similar journeys and encourages them to share their trip.
Remember: you do not have to be a car driver or even own a car to use this service.
For further information on journey sharing, visit:
Community Wardens
For details on Community Wardens (including how they can assist schools) please visit:
School access issues
In the first instance, schools should email KCC's Planning Applications department:
Planning permission may be required should the new access lead onto a classified road (A, B or C road).
If the road isn't classified then schools still need to contact Kent Highways:
and log a request for advice to the suitability of the access proposed in case safety or highway measures are required (i.e. zigzag lines, barriers etc).
None of the above
If your enquiry type does not match any of those above:
Please call 0300 041 4141 and the agent will be able to advise you as to who you need to contact