Travel Plans for Schools

smarter and more sustainable ways to travel to school
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Please see the list of Frequently Asked Questions to the right of this page. You will see these have been categorised, for your ease, into several sections.

  • School Travel Plans - here you will find everything you need to know about creating and maintaining a School Travel Plan (STP) document. By registering to the Jambusters site you will have access to the STP template which will allow you to easily and effectively collect and present all of the necessary data. If you are applying for any planning permission a KCC approved School Travel Plan will be a required document
  • Grant Applications - if you would like to apply for Capital Grant Funding, this section will advise you on how to go about the process. You will also find inspiration and advice on the types of structures you could put in place using your grant funding if your bid is successful
  • School Support Topics - these headings will signpost you to further information that you may find helpful within and around your school's community
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