Travel Plans for Schools

smarter and more sustainable ways to travel to school
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Guidance - School support topics

School Travel Plans

Kent County Council encourages schools, pupils and parents to think about how they travel to school and the impact of their journey choices on their health, well-being and the environment.

A range of travel options and ideas can be put into a travel plan, including:

  • walking initiatives
  • park & stride
  • Bikeability - cycle training
  • cycling/scooting facilities - shelters and lockers
  • car sharing
  • school buses
  • parking initiatives

The following initiatives can help schools to promote walking, cycling and use of public transport:

We can provide you with further information on the above schemes if required as well as specialist advice and support to enable you to produce or update a travel plan

How do I get help to develop or update a school travel plan?

KCC have developed an online travel plan template for your use, where you will find guidance for developing and updating your travel plan.

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